People have been born lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender since the beginning of humanity. They are not mistakes, and parents did nothing wrong. I don't blame my straight parents that I was born gay; I have always been gay, even as a child. My siblings are heterosexual.
In Kentucky, sexual orientation and gender identity are not protected by law yet religion and smoking are. How is this possible? If you actually believe sexual orientation and gender identity are choices, so is smoking and religion which are both protected by the Kentucky Civil Rights Act.
Why should smoking and religion be protected (clearly, a choice) under the Kentucky Civil Rights Act, and not sexual orientation and gender identity?
Have we not been through the Black Civil Rights Movement, and the Women's Civil Rights Movement?
--> Posted by a volunteer Community Blogger of Kentucky Equality Federation. This is the official blog of Kentucky Equality Federation. Posts contained in this blog may not be the official position of Kentucky Equality Federation, its volunteer officers, directors, management, supported organizations, allies or coalitions, but rather the personal opinions or views of the volunteer Community Bloggers. The opinions or views expressed in the blog are protected by Section 1 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Kentucky as non-slanderous free speech; blogs are personal views or opinions and not journalistic news sites.