Friday, March 25, 2011

University of Kentucky Sign: How Do You Spell N*****? OBAMA"

By: Jordan Palmer

Regardless of what you think about the U.S. President, Governor, or ANYONE, this is childish; are we not better than this?  This is the second time this has happened at the University of Kentucky. The sign said: "How Do You Spell N*****? OBAMA."

In 2008, two college-age men were arrested after hanging an effigy of Obama from a tree on the UK campus with a noose around its neck. All charges against the people behind the 2008 stunt was dismissed as being protected by the Kentucky Constitution's Freedom of Expression, and they graduated from the University of Kentucky.

Yes, your right to post such things are protected by the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the United States of America.  

However, this pure racism, and we must oppose racism and the lack of equality for all communities; we should not tolerate it, and stand proud with the Black community.  How would we feel if someone posted "How Do You Spell F****? (Fagot) Mayor Gray?"

The letters appear to be cut from a menu, glued to a piece of paper and photocopied.

We find this distasteful, and racist!

College police launched an investigation after one of the posters was found hanging on the door of the College of Law - and a second was found by a student on a nearby bus shelter.

Quote from Josh Koch, Kentucky Equality Federation's Public Relations and Media Director:  "Many people and groups are victims discrimination. Some are discriminated against because of their sexual orientation, sexual identity, race, gender, veteran status, or political identification (or lack thereof).  Discrimination takes many forms, and it is necessary that the victims of such treatment strive for a better world where all groups, orientations, identities, creeds, and political groups can achieve equality."
We need your help to change this; take the first step and join our mailing list!

Peace, Liberty, Equality for All

Obama has also been compared to Hitler (massive Billboards in the Arizona and other States), etc. due to the passage of his Healthcare Act which the U.S. House of Representative have vowed to repeal.  In addition, some States have condemned and nullified the federal legislation. 

--> Posted by a volunteer Community Blogger of Kentucky Equality Federation. This is the official blog of Kentucky Equality Federation. Posts contained in this blog may not be the official position of Kentucky Equality Federation, its volunteer officers, directors, management, supported organizations, allies or coalitions, but rather the personal opinions or views of the volunteer Community Bloggers. The opinions or views expressed in the blog are protected by Section 1 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Kentucky as non-slanderous free speech; blogs are personal views or opinions and not journalistic news sites.

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